
More than Analyses, Advice.Plus que des analyses, des conseils.


The Mystery of the Unknown Compounds in Your Essential Oils Analysis Reports.

13 December 2019

Corine Lormel, Ph.D. Some customers are surprised to see a compound named ‘’Unknown’’ in the listing of their essential oils analysis reports. Why do chemists keep them in all reports? Are they just unidentified compounds? Why don’t chemists  try to identify them? In this paper, we will try to understand what is behind the famous

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100% Identification?

26 January 2019

Popularization – Alexis St-Gelais, M. Sc., chimiste Analysis reports for essential oils profiles most often report some total of the compounds identifications. In our reports, as in scientific literature, the total almost never makes it to 100%. However, many other testing laboratories consistently report that they identified 100% of their oils in routine. How is

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Every contract is equally important to us. We are proud to develop custom methods of analyses tailored to your innovative products. Nos scientifiques répondront à vos questions