
More than Analyses, Advice.Plus que des analyses, des conseils.


Synthetic Oranger and You

23 March 2016

Alexis St-Gelais, M. Sc., Chimiste – Popularization Essential oils are worth quite a lot of money. It so happens that, in order to boost profits, unscrupulous people alter oils in various ways. This “Adulterants and you” series is there to introduce you to some of the adulterations we encounter. This is because not all of

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Quality Control 101. III. Is Carbon 14 Testing a Reliable Method to Detect Adulteration?

17 March 2016

Alexis St-Gelais – Popularization Our recent clarification about our usage of “synthetic” and “natural” to describe molecules shed light on one particular way to define synthetics, based on the origin of the building blocks (petroleum or fresh organic molecules from natural sources). We wanted to discuss this aspect further, since it is deeply tied to

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Natural vs Synthetic: Clarifying the Terms

Alexis St-Gelais, M. Sc., chimiste – Popularization Laboratoire PhytoChemia is a business, and as any other business, we do use concepts that are commonly understood the same way by all our employees. Such is the case for the “natural” and “synthetic” designations for molecules we encounter in our analyzes. Taking a critical step back, these

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Activities and Events

Wanted List

4 March 2016

Hello to all, We at PhytoChemia are always looking at rare oils to enrich our database. If you happen to have a rare or non-commercial oil made with an interesting plant, we will gladly analyze a sample and share the results with you free of charge. We will even pay the shipping cost. However, these

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Relevons les défis ensemble

Chaque contrat est également important pour nous. Nous sommes fiers de proposer et de développer des méthodes d'analyse adaptées à vos produits et besoins.

Let’s tackle your challenges together

Every contract is equally important to us. We are proud to develop custom methods of analyses tailored to your innovative products. Nos scientifiques répondront à vos questions