
More than Analyses, Advice.Plus que des analyses, des conseils.


Scientific Literature – What is it? (Part 2/2)

14 November 2016

Alexis St-Gelais, M. Sc., chimiste We have just discussed the various types of scientific literature, and their peer-reviewing process. All in all, peer-review is a huge step toward ensuring that quality results are published and discussed within and outside the scientific community. Alas, just as with any activity involving human beings, the process has its flaws. As

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Scientific Literature – What is it? (Part 1 of 2)

2 November 2016

Alexis St-Gelais, M. Sc., chimiste When discussing scientific topics, it is important to go beyond opinions and hearsay if the objective is to learn something valid or reach a sensible conclusion. As such, the source of the elements submitted to the discussion becomes extremely important. For the best and the worst, we live in an era

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Research notes

Published Paper: the Scent of Indian Celery

21 October 2016

Alexis St-Gelais, M. Sc., chimiste The flora of North America is still lush with aromatic plants that have not (yet) been studied for their volatile compounds. One of these blindspots was, up to recently, a plant commonly called Indian celery (figure 1), as well as cow parsnip, which is found throughout the continent. This species (Heracleum

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Activities and Events

New Chemist in our Scientific Team

26 April 2016

We are pleased to introduce you Mr. Sylvain Mercier as our new analytical chemist specialized in natural product chemistry. During the past two years, Sylvain has been working as a formulation chemist in Les Produits Sanitaires Lépine where he developed new household, industrial and institutional soaps and cleaners. Recipient of a research grant of the

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Synthetic Oranger and You

23 March 2016

Alexis St-Gelais, M. Sc., Chimiste – Popularization Essential oils are worth quite a lot of money. It so happens that, in order to boost profits, unscrupulous people alter oils in various ways. This “Adulterants and you” series is there to introduce you to some of the adulterations we encounter. This is because not all of

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Relevons les défis ensemble

Chaque contrat est également important pour nous. Nous sommes fiers de proposer et de développer des méthodes d'analyse adaptées à vos produits et besoins.

Let’s tackle your challenges together

Every contract is equally important to us. We are proud to develop custom methods of analyses tailored to your innovative products. Nos scientifiques répondront à vos questions